Empath traits + superpowers
All empaths are highly sensitive people, and connected energetically to others or the world around them.
Universal traits of (all or most) empaths include:
Good listener, communicator
Curious, creative
A truth-seeker; often a healer of some kind
Has a sense of "knowing"
Sensitive to external stimulus e.g. media, crowds of people
Others are drawn to you
Becomes tired, drained and/or physically unwell
Addictive behaviour
Quiet achiever, strong leader
The types of empaths discussed in the video are:
1 - Physical 2 - Emotional 3 - Intuitive 4 - Dream 5 - Plant 6 - Earth 7 - Animal
The oracle cards used to illustrate concepts in the video are from the 'Native Spirit' deck by Denise Linn (her website for soul coaching = https://deniselinnseminars.com/).